Pixilated Puffin Design INSTANT CREDIT FORM

Phone: (902) 530 - 5201 FAX (902) 530 -5881 Email: vsbachmann@eastlink.ca


Obtain instant 30-Day Credit Terms for your Business Purchases by Guaranteeing payment with a VISA or MASTERCARD credit card

In the envent that payment by cheque is not received by the 45th day from the invoice date.
I hereby authorize VALENTINE S. BACHMANN, (Pixilated Puffin Design) to charge any unpaid invoices to my personal /business credit card.
I unberstand that a charge of 4% will be applied to all invoices that must be charged to my credit card.
I am aware that I am expected to pay all invoices by business cheque within 30 days of the invoice date.  
Company Name
Name on Card
Holder's Address


Credit Card
MASTERCARD  |    | VISA |    |
Card Number
  Expire Date
Holder's Signature